The Best Toys to Encourage Your Child’s Learning & Development

Small child playing with blocks and other toys

The Best Toys to Encourage Your Child’s Learning & Development

Toys that help kids learn are the best kind of toys. Children learn through play, and giving them age-appropriate, educational toys can aid them in understanding the world, discovering new ideas and perfecting simple skills such as balancing, talking, judging spatial relationships and more. Toys that encourage learning and development don’t have to be dull. On the contrary — most are fun and exciting, and your child will look forward to playing with them. Here’s a rundown on the best toys for children ages 0-10.

What Are the Best Toys for Young Children Under 2?

Toys for this age group should emphasize visual stimulation, with bright colors, and language development. Babies learn through watching things, so anything that holds their attention will be a winner, such as a mobile, book or rattle. As these children age into toddlerhood, toys become more interactive. These old favorites can encourage language, balance and social skills:
  • Building blocks
  • Interactive books such as pop-ups
  • Easy puzzles
  • Ride-on toys
  • Stuffed animals

What Are the Best Toys for Preschoolers?

Kids ages 3-6 adore playing pretend. This game allows them to explore new ideas and attitudes, without fear of being punished or getting hurt. It’s a safe space to act out what’s in their heads. Costumes and kitchen sets resonate with this group. Anything to stimulate their imaginations will also be welcomed, such as:
  • Art supplies
  • Age-appropriate musical instruments
  • Sandboxes
  • Sports equipment
  • Board and card games
  • Dolls

What Are the Best Toys for Elementary-Aged Children?

If you have a kid over the age of 3, they’re probably asking you for electronics. But while it’s okay to indulge in some TV or tablet time, your children should still be playing with toys that will enhance their world. School-aged children are a ripe audience for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — STEM — games and toys. If you encourage your kids to embrace these subjects at a young age, you help demystify them. Sometimes kids will avoid STEM just because they feel intimidated by it, not necessarily because they aren’t interested in it. STEM-related toys include microscopes, telescopes, coding games, slime kits and even that children’s classic, Legos. Don’t limit yourself to STEM toys, though. Other possibilities include:
  • Board games
  • Arts and crafts kits
  • Action figures
  • Bikes
  • Interactive microphones

Make Playtime a Family Affair

Just as important as what you buy your kids to play with is how you play it with them. You can help your children learn by instituting family game nights or turning your living room into a doll hair salon. Making their playtime interactive helps teach younger children about language and social skills, while challenging older ones to problem solve and share. Don’t forget to add a heavy dose of reading into your children’s play, too, because books are a great way to keep kids occupied and stimulate their imagination. Try a family reading hour every Sunday. At FishCreek Kids Academy, we have many of the latest and greatest toys for your children to enjoy. Contact us to check them out. Call (281) 259-3474, sign up online or contact us.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Kyle Wayne

    I like that you talked about how the environment should be safe and should make your child feel comfortable acting independently and engaging in activities. My older sister is looking to find some after-school programs for her kids in elementary school. I’ll be sure to talk to her about finding a program that her kids will feel comfortable in.

  2. Alexandria Martinez

    My brother wants to enroll his children in a preschool but needs some pointers. He is worried about how his kids will react and he wants to make sure that they are comfortable. I will be sure to point out that he can send them with a comfort item for safety.

  3. Darrel Pontejo

    Those tips provided for sending your child to preschool for first-time parents is really helpful. Those are what other parents should prepare for their child to school since it will be their first time to be with other kids as well.

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